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The first Thursday in March!
My thought for the day is to hear your thoughts…
How would you answer the following question in twenty five words or less?
Why Jesus?
I am looking forward to your responses…
Grace and peace,
Laugh often and Fear not!

4 Replies to “Why Jesus?”

  1. Jesus has been my savior and friend since the age of 28 and I can’t imagine my life without him. My daily quiet time with him and even in the tumultuous times during the day, he’s with me. I love him to pieces.

  2. Why Jesus ?
    Jesus never calls us out
    For what we used to be.
    His voice is so much greater
    Than paul the Pharisee.
    “You are Simon son of John”
    said Jesus, without elaboration.
    No mention of a cloudy past
    No hint of condemnation.
    No accusation against the brothers
    No comments dark and obscure,
    Writing to the Church in Corinth
    “that is what some of you were.”
    Not the voice of the accuser,
    Boss Paul the Pharisee,
    Telling the redeemed people of God
    About what they used to be.
    Jesus never said right is wrong,
    He never said wrong is right.
    He came so we can turn from darkness
    And into His glorious light.
    “Neither do I condemn you” said Jesus,
    to a woman entrapped by dogs.
    The game the dogs play is the same today,
    Except now they do it on blogs.
    “Go and sin no more” said Jesus,
    Don’t relive that history.
    Look forward, not back, don’t dwell on your past.
    “You will be called” Rocky.
    Poem – Looking forward (Rocky)

  3. Because there is no greater love known to man, Soverignty and grace. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that who so ever believes in him can have life eternal. He can fill every void known to man. Man will always fail while Jesus will always prevail. ☝

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