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The first Thursday of February and of all things it’s Groundhog Day!!
I went outside this morning at 5:15 am and did not see my shadow.
That can mean only one thing!!
Sunrise is still one hour and twenty-six minutes away…
I have a friend…
Okay, let me be a little more specific.
I have a friend who is a Pastor of a large church in Houston, Texas.
He’s an incredible preacher who lives out his faith in extraordinary ways.
As with all Pastors, he does a have one flaw.
He loves to drive fast, becoming increasingly impatient with anyone driving slower than him.
Ok, you’re right… That’s two flaws. But who’s counting?
His commute to and from church can be grueling, especially with all of those “slow” drivers clogging up the streets and freeways!
On one particular evening commute back home, my friend was getting ready to host the Elders of his church for dinner at his home.
The Church Chef had prepared about 8 pans of delicious lasagna for the feast.
All 8 pans, which were filled to the brim were delicately placed in the back of his Ford Explorer (SUV).
Guess how fast my friend drove home that night?
Not so much!!
In fact he was shocked by how impatient the other drivers were around him…
Honking, Five Finger Waves (minus four), scowling looks and more.
His reaction was classic and predictable:
“Don’t these people know what I have in my trunk!?”
They don’t.
As we drive through life today and encounter other drivers be it at school, work, home, neighborhood or even out on the street, let’s remember one thing in particular:
We don’t know what other people have in their trunk of life.
Perhaps that will give us pause and cause to be a little more patient, a little more loving, a little more understanding…
This Sunday at MVPC we will be discovering the essence of “Community.”
Strong community building starts with the “junk in our trunk” and a willingness to love and accept others who have a little bit more or a little bit less “junk in their trunk.”
I will see you Sunday…
Drive carefully and if you see me on the way please understand why I am driving so slowly…
I’ve got a lot in the trunk…
Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Laugh often and Fear not!