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Thursday’s Thoughts from Pastor David
It’s the last Thursday of the month of March 2018.
It’s the last Thursday before Easter 2018.
That can only mean one thing…
It’s Maundy Thursday!
Not Monday Thursday…
It’s Maundy Thursday! The day of Jesus’ “Last Supper” with the disciples.
Maundy comes from the Latin word “mandatum” which means commandment or mandate.
Jesus commanded His disciples and us during the Last Supper to “do this in remembrance of me.”
The “doing this” is the breaking of bread which symbolizes the body of Christ and sharing that with one another as an act of worship. Also, included in the “doing this” is the sharing of the “Cup” of wine which symbolizes the blood shed for us by Jesus.
During the Last Supper Jesus also tells the disciples to wash one another’s feet as an example of humility in serving one another.
Later on, Jesus “commands” the disciples to “love one another as I have loved you.”
Maundy Thursday in my opinion is the most important day in history.
This was the day of decision.
Jesus knows He has been called to sacrifice Himself by taking on the Sin of the world, past, present and future.
Jesus has told the disciples on three occasions when He arrives in Jerusalem He will be arrested, tortured, crucified, buried and then resurrected three days later.
Jesus is fully aware of His mission of redemption and resurrection.
Yet, Jesus still has to follow through.
The Mission will not be complete unless Jesus is sacrificed like the Paschal Lamb for the sins of the world.
On this Thursday night, Jesus withdraws to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.
He invites a few of the disciples to join Him, only to discover they fell fast asleep after He told them to remain awake and keep watch.
Jesus’ intense and stressful prayer basically says this:
“Abba, Father… is there a Plan B? Can the forgiveness of sins, the redemption of the world be done any other way?”
The silence of the response is the confirmation this is the only way.
Jesus then goes on to say, “Then, not my will but Your will be done.”
Jesus rises then to gather the disciples to go meet His accusers.
Within moments Jesus is confronted by Judas Iscariot and a host of soldiers who arrest Him as the journey to the Cross just became a reality.
Thank you Jesus for making the decision to die on our behalf, so that we would find forgiveness, experience the new life of forgiveness and enjoy the freedom of life with you!
Tonight at MVPC we will be holding a Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
You will have the opportunity to experience several “stations” tonight. (All voluntary)
You may experience Communion.
You may experience the washing of your feet.
You may experience the renewal of your baptism vows or be baptized for the very first time.
You may experience sitting or kneeling before the Cross in prayer.
You may experience lighting a candle in memory or in honor of someone you hold dear.
You may experience the ringing of a hand bell in memory or in honor of someone you hold dear.
You may experience the power of prayer by writing down a prayer or two to be read under the Cross.
Most of all, I hope you experience the love of the Holy Spirit moving through the sanctuary as we worship together in love.
Just like Jesus mandated so many years ago…
Thank you Jesus!
ps – Our Holy Week Worship Schedule is as follows:
Maundy Thursday (That’s today!!) – 7:00 pm
Good Friday (That’s tomorrow!!) – Noon and 7:00 pm
Easter Sunday (That’s this Sunday – April Fools Days!!) –
8:00 am (Traditional Worship)
9:30 am (Blended Worship [Traditional and Contemporary )
11:00 am (Contemporary Worship)
Easter Sunday’s sermon will be “No foolin’, Jesus is the Tomb Raider”
Can’t wait to see you all three days!
Grace and peace,
Laugh often and Fear not!

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