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I was invited over to someone’s home years ago (1985!) while in Seminary for what was dubbed a “light dinner” to be served at 7:00 pm.

After the host and some five or six invited guests sat in the living room surrounding the coffee table which had a few crackers and slices of cheese adorned with about ten grapes, it took me about forty-five minutes to realize what I was seeing before me was in fact the advertised “light dinner.” I quickly grabbed one of the last of three crackers and fought off another member of the party for the last slice of cheese.

Some fifteen minutes later, the “dinner party” was over and I was being escorted out the door along with the other guests.

Where did I go next you might ask?

Did I go home and go to bed? NO!
Did I head off to the library to study more deep theology? NO!
Did I make my way back to my apartment to watch a little TV? NO!

Where did I go?

I went straight to Wendy’s!

I pushed so hard on the doors leading into the restaurant they screeched to the widest opening possible!
Small children and an elderly lady with a walker were quickly mowed down in my attempt to get to the counter!
Before the Wendy’s worker could say, “Welcome to…”, I was placing my order for a double cheeseburger, with large fries, bowl of chili, large Coke and the classic Wendy’s Frosty!

I was so hungry!!

I haven’t thought about that “dinner” invitation for years until I read the story of the Wedding Feast where the hosting family of the wedding party were about to run out of wine early on during the week-long festivities.

We all know the story.
Jesus takes about 160 gallons of water and turns it into wine.
Love this man!!

The wedding guests were overwhelmed with the generosity of the hosts of the party, seeing they had saved the best wine until last!

How often do we think of Jesus as the “Master Vintner”?

What is most remembered about that story is Jesus turning the water into wine.
What I am beginning to remember most about this story is how he miraculously saved “face” for the hosting family.
Had the party run out of wine so early on would have been a social and cultural disaster.

For years people would have been writing blogs, talking around the well (water cooler) and putting this disastrous scenario into their stand up comedy routines!
Remember the time when Bob and Stephanie got married and they ran out of wine! That’s when the real “whining” began! HA! HA! HA!!

The compassion of Jesus went out to the hosting family and he “turned” not only water into wine, he also “turned” the party around from devastation to delight and dancing!
That’s our Jesus!
He’s the Master of Turns…

Laugh often and Fear not!

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