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I love to laugh!!

My mantra in life is “Laugh often and Fear not!”

I cannot remember a time in my life where I was not laughing about something. Even during the darkest days, God has allowed the humor, levity, laughter and the comedy of life to be infused into my heart and soul.

One aspect of laughter, levity and humor I have always respected and held in the highest degree of honor is – Stand Up Comedy!

The idea of having a large group of people in a room while a person comes out on stage and is saddled with the privilege and responsibility and the task of making the audience elicit an emotion we call “laughter” has got to be one of the most challenging and difficult tasks to perform.

I have never been one to be satisfied with the status quo. For years I have always challenged myself to learn something new, reach a new height, and accomplish a feat never before done.

From climbing Mt. Shasta (14,162 feet), playing the piano in front of the congregation, running a marathon (26.2 miles), writing a book, publishing a book, writing fourteen books, writing and delivering a Keynote Speech on the role Laughter and Fear plays in decision making, all of the aforementioned challenges have been met head on with laughter, fearlessness and joy.

In two days another challenge will be met!

On Monday, January 20, 2020 I will be making my Stand Up Comedy debut at the historic “Carolines on Broadway” Comedy Club in New York City in Times Square! Just about every comedian you have ever heard of has taken the stage at Carolines!!

I am nervous.
Feeling the love and support of friends and family.
And simply and seriously wondering if anyone will laugh!

I was talking to Jon Orlando on his Podcast “Vegas Junkeez” and he was sharing with me wise words he received from his father Tony Orlando when Jon was starting out doing “Stand Up.”
This is great counsel, of which I am holding onto – “Don’t worry about the laughs. Just be ‘likable’ and the laughs will come. If you’re not ‘likable’ the laughs will be harder to come by.”

Fantastic advice from one of the great entertainers over the last fifty years!
I hope they like me!!

Matt Kazam has been an amazing coach, mentor and friend through this whole process. It helps that he is absolutely hilarious! His mind is motoring at about 50,000 miles an hour!

Matt’s “CEO and Entrepreneur Stand Up Challenge” brings people from all over the world to learn the art and science of Stand Up Comedy. On Monday night, January 20th,  Matt will present seven of us to the stage at Carolines on Broadway for our graduation performance from his course.

I covet your prayers for Monday night!
If you are in the New York City area and want to come by and see the show please let me know!
I have free tickets for you!

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17. 22

There will be lots of good medicine shared on Monday night to fill our hearts with humor, levity, laughter and joy!

Laugh often and Fear not!

For free tickets email me at:

David Dendy Stand Up Comedy

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