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Saying Goodbye
Thursday’s Thoughts from Pastor David
Next time you read Thursday’s Thoughts from Pastor David it will be August!
Here we are on the cusp of a new month as we say goodbye to July.
How do you say, “Goodbye?”
Are you good at saying, “goodbye?”
Some people are…
Some people aren’t…
Sometimes we have to say goodbye long before we wish.
Sometimes we need to say goodbye to perpetual habits which lead to destructive behaviors and for some odd reason, we will not, we cannot, and we do not say,
I’ve had to say goodbye to:
Pets beloved
Places lived
Professional positions held
People, some pesky, most beloved
Projects completed, sometimes successful, others epic failures
Philosophies held tightly and wrongly
Patterns of destructive behaviors and thought
Parties celebratory and happy…
What have you had to say “goodbye” to lately?
Some goodbyes are easy
Some goodbyes are incredibly difficult
There are some goodbyes we never get over
With each goodbye there comes a new “Hello!”
New Pets beloved
New Places to live and thrive
New Positions to work and succeed
New People to meet, some pesky, most beloved
New Projects where there will be major accomplishments and some epic failures
New Philosophies to embrace which are hopefully liberating, fulfilling and ultimately eternally satisfying
New Patterns of behavior and thought which lead to healthy living
New Parties to celebrate!
With each goodbye comes hello…
You say goodbye and I say hello
Someone ought to write a song about that…
What will you be saying goodbye to today?
What will you be saying hello to today?
Laugh often and Fear not!
And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. 37 And there was much weeping on the part of all; they embraced Paul and kissed him, 38 being sorrowful most of all because of the word he had spoken, that they would not see his face again. And they accompanied him to the ship. (Acts 20: 36-38)

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