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A couple of weeks ago, Julie and I spent a few days of vacation down in Carlsbad, California.
Every day we took a walk along the beach.
Each time my eyes would be drawn to the surfers and the body surfers doing what I used to love to do… “Riding Waves!”

Growing up in Southern California allowed me the privilege of jumping in the Pacific Ocean and “riding waves” on a regular basis. 

One of my most memorable past times was to stand out in the ocean with the water about waist high, with my back toward the sand.
My eyes would scan the horizon searching to and fro for an incoming wave. The ocean rarely disappointed me. The incoming water before me would start to rise and the receding water right behind me would start to sink.

When I felt the water travel from my waist down to my knees, I knew in an instant a big wave was about to break.
With one fluid motion I would twist and turn and lunge toward to the beach and start swimming as fast as I could in order to “catch the wave.” 

One of the greatest feelings in the world is experiencing the rush and roar of a crashing wave all around you as you are propelled down the glassy face of the wave toward the beach at speeds exceeding 100 mile per hour (at least it felt that way!). 

Regrettably, it’s been years since I last found myself “Riding Waves.” 

Laugh Often and Fear Not

Here’s a little bit of an obvious truth concerning “Riding Waves.”

I cannot ride waves which don’t exist.

I can stand in the water all day long, but if there are no waves then I cannot “ride the waves.”

I cannot make the waves.
I cannot produce the waves.
I cannot manufacture the waves.
And neither can you…

I can only ride the waves God creates…

Reread that line one more time:
I can only ride the waves God creates!

So it is with God’s blessings and plans for my life. 

I can only ride the waves of blessings which God creates and generates. 

Have you ever tried to create and generate your own wave of blessings?
Me too…

I didn’t get very far.
I did a lot of paddling, splashing and swimming but didn’t get very far.
In fact, I found myself just getting exhausted and worn out.

As a pastor, there are time when I find immense pressure being placed on me by others and by myself to create, produce and manufacture waves and waves of God’s blessings. Giving in to that type of pressure can prove disastrous. 

Here’s a fascinating challenge:
What would happen if we would pray that God would allow us to be a part of what He is blessing versus praying that He would bless what we are doing in hopes He will be a part of it?

When was the last time you “rode a wave” of God’s blessings?

Sometimes it takes a lot of patience and waiting (Which so many of us are experts in!!!)

Either way, it won’t keep us out of the water.
The “wave” is worth the wait!
See you out in the water as we wait and wait to hear God’s voice proclaiming, “Surf’s Up!!”

And then… Let’s catch His wave and have the ride of our lives!

Laugh often and Fear not!

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.”
(Colossians 1. 16)

2 Replies to “Riding Waves”

  1. David,
    You are so inspiring. Your words here are very powerful perspective. We can only Ride Waves God creates. Our perspective and devotion to experience his majestic wave is right on. If we are not all in commitment to his wave we will get crushed. But if we pop up and truly Relax and Trust which is so hard for me we can surf like the legends do on Mavericks!!
    I love your analogy!!! You Rock and and you make me Laugh!!

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