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On Christmas Eve I shared a list of “Verbs” that I wanted to be and do in the New Year 2016. Here’s my list from A-Z! Let me encourage you to do the same! Be a verb in 2016. Don’t just be a noun! Nouns need verbs…
The Joy of Being a
Noun and a Verb in 2016
A to Z

Accept people for who they are and not for who they should be
Bend over backward to help people get closer to Jesus
Crave God’s word
Dive in/Dare to do something daring in 2016
Express my faith in ways that draw people closer to Jesus
Forgive and Fear not!
Give of my time, talent and resources
Hug, hug and hug some more!
Initiate conversations and relationships
Jump into life with both feet!
Kneel before the Lord in prayer…
Love and Laugh often!
Make someone’s day, every day!
Nurture other’s relationship with Jesus
Open my arms and heart
Pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus
Question, do not assume
Run to the problem, not run away
See God at work every day
Taste God’s presence and Trust God with everything
Understand people rather than seeking to be understood
Validate everyone as a child of God
Xecute plans, goals and dreams (Don’t execute people!!)
Yearn for deeper relationships with God and others
Zamboni people!! Take their chips and divots and smooth them out with the living water of the Holy Spirit
Laugh often and Fear not!