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Every year I try to challenge myself to do something new and different.
2013 Challenge? – Write a blog every day on where I saw God at work each day.
Result? – Completed!
2014 Challenge? – Write a book called “Seeing God at Work Every Day – The Forty-Day Challenge.”
Result? – Completed (Available on
2015 Challenge? – Get a book published! Get back into ministry as a Pastor of a church.
Result? – Actually published three books (Seeing God at Work Every Day – The Forty-Day Challenge; 25 Days of Christmas; January iWitness).
Now serving as the Pastor of the Mountain View Presbyterian Church ( in Las Vegas, Nevada! God is so very good!

2016 Challenge? Here we go!!
1. Publish eleven books
2. TEW429 – Text Encouraging Words at 4:29 am every morning to someone/friend/family/enemy for the whole year based on
Ephesians 4: 29 –  Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
3. Maui Waui Washboard Abs – Basically, get in great shape for a Hawaii getaway at the end of the summer.
4. Be and do all 26 Verbs from a previous blog (On being a Verb in 2016 – December 31, 2015)
5. Do something daring!

How about you?
Any challenges for the year ahead for you?
I put these challenges out there publicly! I have discovered over the years, the more people who know my challenges, the greater accountability, the greater responsibility, the greater amount of “buy in” and of course, the greater number of people who pray for my dedication and focus to accomplish these goals for God’s glory, which all leads to the greater joy in my life while trying to fulfill said such challenges!
Have a marvelous 2016 and please remember, and never forget, no matter what happens in 2016, God is PRESENT with you every step, every turn, every misstep, every mistake, every accomplishment, every success, every tear, every fear, every joy, every cry and every laugh!
Laugh often and Fear not!
Go get ’em!
Laugh often and Fear not!