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Hello September!!
We look forward to the beginning of fall this month as the ninth month of the year begins ushering in cooler temperatures bringing with them a crispness in the air…
This weekend is Labor Day Weekend!
Shouldn’t it be called “Rest Day Weekend” since we are supposed to take a “day off from laboring?”
My mind got to thinking about “labor” the other day and we will address the issue of “labor” this Sunday at church…
“What are we laboring for?”
“What are we laboring against?”
“What are we laboring to…?”
What is the motive behind our labor?
To pay the bills?
To pass the time?
To save enough money so we won’t have to labor ever again?
To enjoy putting our mind, heart, energy and body to a calling which brings us a high level of pleasure, joy and satisfaction?
Many times we have heard a certain project or task being a “labor of love” which means it has been done out of love and pleasure rather than reward.
Has it ever occurred to us…
We are a labor of love?
We are a labor of God’s love?
Have we ever given long consideration to the notion God’s work in us is a complete “labor of heavenly, divine love?”
Please consider this verse for the weekend ahead (and beyond)…
“And I am sure of this, that he (God) who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1: 6) 
The motive?
Go ahead and look in the mirror…
You are a labor of love becoming more complete and whole with each passing day as God does an amazing work in you!
I don’t know about you, but I cannot wait to see the finished product!
Laugh often and Fear not!