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How often do we take our freedom for granted to worship, study the Bible and fellowship with other Christian believers.

Never has this hit home as much as it did forty years ago in the summer of 1979, when a high school friend of mine, Brian was selected to be a part of an All-American band. His excitement for being selected to the band which would be traveling all over Europe was superseded by the rare opportunity the band would have to go behind the “Iron Curtain” to visit some of the Eastern bloc countries.

Pulling back the “Iron Curtain” and visiting the Soviet Bloc countries did not disappoint!

While visiting Czechoslovakia he struck up a conversation with a 17 year old girl. In hushed tones the conversation soon turned to the subject of Christianity.

With eyes darting to and fro for secrecy’s sake this girl told Brian in order to have a bible study, she and her friends had to be very quiet and secretive about getting together. There could be no announcements. No pamphlets. No flyers. Just word of mouth, very tight lipped word of mouth. Should the “authorities” find out about such “subversive” behavior, the consequences would be severe.

She looked to Brian with inquisitive eyes, “What about America? What’s it like to have a Bible study there?”

Brian went on to explain there was no need for secrecy.
Make as many fliers as you want. Publish the pamphlets and tell as many people as you want you are having a Bible study. There were no constrictions, no “authorities” to beware of on such activity in the United States of America.

In the moment that it took for all of this mind boggling information to sink into the heart of this 17 year old girl from Czechoslovakia, her mouth went agape and her eyes widened to the size of saucers as she excitedly and loudly shouted back to Brian, “Wow! You must have Bible studies every day!!”

Every July 4th I am haunted by this story. How much we take our liberty, our ease of access to spiritual disciplines, and sadly … Our freedom for granted here in these United States of America.

I have always wondered since the Czech Republic freed itself from the oppressive drapes of the Iron Curtain if this young girl’s  passion for Bible study has remained fervent in the freedom now afforded to her and her friends…

What would it take for us to appreciate our freedoms more during this celebration of two hundred and forty-three years of life and liberty in these United States of America?

“For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5: 1)

Stand firm my friends…
Stand firm…

Let freedom reign!

Laugh Often And Fear Not!

7 Replies to “Freedom For Granted”

  1. This is meaningful to me because I am hoping that my grandchildren and their children will enjoy the freedom to worship that the USA affords us, today.

  2. Thank you. I really look forward to your Thursdays Thoughts.
    I received an e-mail yesterday telling of the tragedies that befell
    most of the 53 men who signed The Declaration of Independence.

    We think July 4th is all about parades, picnics and fireworks
    but these men are forgotten.

    I have the best viewing place to watch the Red Rock 💥 and
    last night at 10:30 was a fantastic display from the LV Ball Park.

    My couch and room just was shaking,, could be an earthquake.
    Enjoy the day.

  3. Once again you have printed just the right words for the time. Thanks.

  4. Wonderful story and it is so true how important freedoms are in our country. Unfortunately there is a segment in our country today that is trying to remove Jesus and our basic freedoms such as freedom of speech. Impose the murder of babies as a woman’s right. How long will God allow this to continue?

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