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Eight Days of Laughter – Day 6

Reason #6 to Laugh…
SOCIAL BOOST – Laughter helps people connect and build relationships!

I don’t know about you, but I love laughing with other people. There’s something contagious and infectious when one person starts laughing and before you know it everyone in the room is laughing. 

Sometimes we do not even know why we are laughing. Yet, the social aspect of it draws people together and forms a tighter social connection.

Looking for better social connectivity?
Make sure you bring laughter along for the ride.
Laughter is the glue of healthy relationships!

Check out these excerpts from on the mental and social health aspect of laughter.

Laughter brings people together and strengthens relationships

There’s a good reason why TV sitcoms use laugh tracks: laughter is contagious. You’re many times more likely to laugh around other people than when you’re alone. And the more laughter you bring into your own life, the happier you and those around you will feel.

Sharing humor is half the fun—in fact, most laughter doesn’t come from hearing jokes, but rather simply from spending time with friends and family.

And it’s this social aspect that plays such an important role in the health benefits of laughter. You can’t enjoy a laugh with other people unless you take the time to really engage with them.

When you care about someone enough to switch off your phone and really connect face to face, you’re engaging in a process that re-balances the nervous system and puts the brakes on defensive stress responses like “fight or flight.”

And if you share a laugh as well, you’ll both feel happier, more positive, and more relaxed—even if you’re unable to alter a stressful situation.

How laughing together can strengthen relationships

Shared laughter is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and exciting. All emotional sharing builds strong and lasting relationship bonds, but sharing laughter also adds joy, vitality, and resilience. And humor is a powerful and effective way to heal resentments, disagreements, and hurts. Laughter unites people during difficult times.

Humor and playful communication strengthen our relationships by triggering positive feelings and fostering emotional connection. When we laugh with one another, a positive bond is created. This bond acts as a strong buffer against stress, disagreements, and disappointment. Humor and laughter in relationships allows you to:

Be more spontaneous. Humor gets you out of your head and away from your troubles.

Let go of defensiveness. Laughter helps you forget resentments, judgments, criticisms, and doubts.

Release inhibitions. Your fear of holding back is pushed aside.

Express your true feelings. Deeply felt emotions are allowed to rise to the surface.

Check out the “Community Laughter Effect” from this great video by Coca Cola…

Did you notice how everyone on the train started laughing, all the while not even knowing why the main character was laughing?

Did the video bring a smile to your face?
A chuckle to your heart?

It’s the contagious and infectious gift of laughter!
Laughter is a community event bringing people closer together since the beginning of time…

Laugh often and Fear not!

David Dendy Stand Up Comedy

Eight Days of Laughter – Day 1  
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 2
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 3
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 4
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 5