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Eight Days of Laughter – Day 7

Reason to Laugh #7…
Laughing is fun, feels good, makes others want to be around you!

Back in December I was at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) being held at T-Mobile arena here in Las Vegas, Nevada.

My very good friend Doug Fields, whom I have known since third grade invited me to join him and some of his closest friends in a “suite” to watch the fights. 

We were all having a great time watching the fighters knock the daylights out of each other.
About halfway through the fight a man and his beautiful date came into the suite to say hello to one of Doug’s friends. 

Before you knew this “newcomer” to the group had a couple of guys around him and he started telling stories and before you knew it this small group started laughing.

Within seconds, more of the guys in the suite started ambling over to find out what was going on. 
“Why is everyone having so much fun over here!!??”

I resisted as long as I could (for no apparent reason!!).
And then, BOOM!”
I made my way over introduced myself, started talking to this great guy and his date and all of a sudden he is inviting me to a Charity Event he is putting together.

Long story short… This incredible gentleman and I have started becoming friends. The “laughter” which I found to be “magnetic” has produced a “lasting” effect on this budding relationship. 

Study after study on dating relationships show women find humor and laughter in a man one of the most enduring and important qualities in a strong relationship. Men also have discovered when they can laugh with a woman the attraction level increases dramatically.

Why? The previous six days of blogs on the “Reasons to Laugh” give us plenty of indication as to why laughter is foundational to our relationships and to our very lives!

Humor, levity and laughter is a magnetic component in any relationship. 
Imagine a relationship with no laughter, no levity, no humor, no joking, no pranks, no innuendos which crack you up…
Now… is that the type of relationship you crave and are attracted to? (This is a rhetorical question not meant to be answered!!)

Next time you are out with the crowd or with friends, notice the laughter.
Is the laughter drawing people together? 
Or is the laughter creating division and discord? (Yes, there are times when laughter is used inappropriately to make fun of, to bully and to put down others. This is not the type of humor, levity and laughter we are talking about!)

Laughter is magnetic and attractive in drawing people together!
What the world needs now is love and lots of laughter to magnetically bring and keep us together!

Laugh and the world laughs with you…

Laugh often and Fear not!

David Dendy Stand Up Comedy

Eight Days of Laughter – Day 1
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 2
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 3
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 4
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 5
Eight Days of Laughter – Day 6