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Is this the headline of your life?
Is is the headline of someone you know and love?
Could it have been the headline of your life?
The alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. in order for me to attend a Men’s Bible study that started at 6:15.
I arrived with Bible in hand at 6:12.
It was my first time.
Am I the only one who takes a deep breath before entering a room where you know absolutely no one?
Deep breath taken, I peeked in the room and there were about 20 round tables with about half of them semi-filled with men already engaged in conversation.
The epic question of the day was racing through my mind and it was only 6:12 in the morning.
“At which table should I sit?”
I decided upon a table that had two men sitting a chair apart from one another. I walked up, introduced myself and sat down. Within a couple of minutes two other gentlemen sidled up to the table. It was plain to see that all four men knew each other from previous interactions. In reality, I was the outsider.
The Bible Study began with a prayer and then the speaker for the day began talking about dysfunctions and dreams. The dysfunctional family he was using as a guide for our discussion was Jacob and his sons, specifically Joseph.
The brothers hated Joseph.
The sibling rivalry was thicker than molasses.
The brothers sold Joseph into slavery and convinced their dad that Joseph had been torn to pieces by a wild animal.
Let me get your attention here!! This is a dysfunctional family at its best! (Or worst!)
Listen to this bit of good news: Joseph, who by the grace and power of God went on to be a man of great influence and power, did not let the “dysfunction derail the dream.”
With the lecture over the attention of the five gentlemen at my table was turned inward toward one another.
We took a minute to introduce ourselves and talk a little bit about who we are, our families and what we did for a living. The men that surrounded me were obviously good, solid, successful and stable.
We took the appropriate time answering the first question in our study guide.
By all intents and purposes it seemed as though the men at my table were going to get out of there unscathed as our conversation was appropriately guarded in nature and vanilla in flavor.
Then came the second question: “How has your family’s dysfunction affected your dream?”
If the first question invoked “vanilla”, the second question invited Habenero, Jalapeno and their sister Chili!
One by one each man shared how their father had been or currently suffered from alcoholism and the effect that that dysfunction had on their families.
I was last to go…The moderator of the table looked at me…”David?”
Two simple words from my lips…”Me too..”
We all chuckled, put our fists in the middle of the table and gave each other a loving, caring and knowing fist pump to the collective dysfunction we had all faced.
Here’s the fascinating outcome from this group of men who accepted me so warmly and graciously.
Each of our dysfunctions did not derail the dream.
If anything the dysfunctions sharpened the dream and brought the dream into clearer focus.
There, but for the grace of God go I…
The speaker of our group brought to light one important factor in pursuing our dreams.
From a physical standpoint everything on our bodies point forward…
Our feet and toes point forward…
Our knees point forward…
Our chest points forward…
Our nose points forward..
Our eyes points forward…
Our mouth points forward…
There is only one part of our body that points backward…
Let me put it to you gingerly and gently…
Don’t be that part of your body! You will never be able to pursue your dreams if you are constantly looking backwards.
Don’t let the dysfunction derail the dreams!
Don’t let the dysfunction define you or your dreams!
Don’t let the dysfunction derail you from delightfully pursuing the dreams God has in store for you!
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37. 4 ESV)
Go get ’em!
I’ll see you out on the tracks…
Laugh often and Fear not!
PS – Thank you Lord for leading me to a table of fellow dreamers!