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You are invited to explore the “25 Days of Christmas” one day at a time with this complete Biblical account of every aspect of the impending birth of the Newborn King.

Each daily post will have exactly “one hundred words” in examining one aspect of the incredible Nativity story.
Today is December 1st…and the title of today’s devotion is…

“Tunnel Vision”

Have you ever experienced “Tunnel Vision?”

Laser like focus that makes it impossible to be distracted or sidetracked by anything else.

I ran through a tunnel the other day.

In the tunnel everything becomes exaggerated…

the sounds of my footsteps and breathing are louder,

the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter

and the goal of getting to the end of the tunnel more expedient and urgent.

No one lingers in the tunnel…

May you run unabated through the next 25 days with pure “tunnel vision” focus on the Bethlehem Babe who is the Light of the World!


My iWitness…
Laugh often. Fear not.

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10 Replies to “25 Days of Christmas – December 1st”

  1. Wonderful!
    I’m so pleased to see you sharing this online! May God continue to bless you and yours, as you are a blessing to so many!

    1. Suzane!
      Hope you and your beautiful family are doing great! I miss our talks and your Mama Bear smile and hugs and wise counsel!
      Love you!

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