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Keep Calm and Use your words
Thursday’s Thoughts from Pastor David
Once again Thursday is upon us and I am struck today by the concept of “words”…
As my good friend Jeff Patterson always says, “Words have meaning…”
I have been struck as of late how often words have offensive meaning.
Students at a University filed a complaint citing emotional distress because they had seen the words “Trump 2016”  scrawled in chalk on the sidewalk.
A junior high student was sent home for wearing a T-shirt with the word “Jesus” printed on it.
College graduations are filled with controversy this year as students protest the very words a certain commencement speaker “might” say.
A father of a Stanford University student is under heavy fire for asking for clemency for his son because “20 minutes of action” shouldn’t ruin his life…
A judicial court ruled some years ago the phrase “In God We Trust” on our  US currency has lost all meaning and therefore the plaintiffs, who were quite offended by this “religious” slant did not have a case.
Words, words, words…
Hmmmm…. What to do? What to say?
About… Words
I would love to know who came up with the phrase:
“Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…”
What planet was this person from?
Was their home perpetually under a rock, free from the “words” of people around them?
I have never had a stick or a stone break any of my bones.
But…(and that’s a BIG but),
Plenty and by plenty I mean a bucket full of words have been thrown my way over the years to break my heart, shatter my heart, mind and soul into a million pieces…
How about you?
Any words spoken to you over the years which have broken you?
Then again…
Words can uplift us to places beyond what we thought possible.
Over the years I have had bucket full of words strategically thrown my way which have made me soar like an eagle.
How about you?
Any words spoken to you over the years which have made you soar?
Returning to the powerful words of my friend Jeff…”Words have meaning…”
Listen to these scriptures….
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18. 21)
“The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” (Proverbs 15. 4)
“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
(Proverbs 12. 18)
Your tongue…
Your words…
Your heart…
Your mind…
Your emotions…
Have great power…
Power to hurt…
Power to heal…
Power to tear down…
Power to turn things around…
Power to suck the wind out of someone’s sails…
Power to steer the course of someone’s life to vistas never before seen or thought possible…
You have the power.
You have the power of “words”…
Use the power wisely…
“Jesus loves me this I know…
For the Bible tells me so…
Little ones to him belong…
They are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me…
For the Bible tells me so…”
Simple, yet powerful words about the One who is called the Logos.
Which means?
The Word!
Laugh often and Fear not!

3 Replies to “Words”

  1. Thanks, this has so much truth in it, I appreciate your words. May God’s words richly bless you in the days ahead

  2. David:
    That was some solid stuff again. What I miss most about Dubuque is the Dendy family. Trust that everyone is doing well. How are the kids? How is Joshua doing with his tennis? What is Faith up to these days?
    And Julie wow, she is looking great. Her happy to be with you smile, says it all.
    Stay well. Think of you often,
    Dave Koz Kozlowski

  3. Dear David, This was wonderful, and I remember so many words spoken on Sundays that I felt were just for my ears even though you were saying them to a packed sanctuary. Something we do daily without even thinking is to speak. Thanks again, as always you supply me with food for thought. Please give my love to Julie, Faith and Joshua and hope all is well and happy in the Dendy household. God Bless, Lynn

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