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Salt Water Taffy 12
Are you made of Teflon or Taffy?
Teflon – a non-stick substance…
Taffy – Made by stretching or pulling a sticky mass of boiled sugar…
Using these two substances (work with me here!) which product, Teflon or Taffy would describe your interactions and your relationship building experience.
We meet people…
We get to know people…
We invest in people…
We laugh with people…
We struggle with people…
We make a decision to walk with people…
People have problems…
People have issues…
People come from dysfunctional families…
I will stop being obtuse…
When you encounter people are you Taffy (do you stick?) or are you Teflon (do you not stick) to the people with whom you have become involved.
Taffy or Teflon?
Which would you say?
Or are you Taffy with some and Teflon with others? And vice versa…?
Jesus tells a great story which is two-thirds Teflon and one-third Taffy.
It’s the story of the Good Samaritan.
Perhaps you have heard about it.
Jewish guy gets robbed and the daylights beat out of him and cast to the side of the road.
A religious leader walks up, crosses the road and walks right by him. Total Teflon!!!
Another religious leader walks up, crosses the road and walks right by him. Total Teflon!!!
A Samaritan guy, acknowledged social enemy of the Jewish guy, walks up bends over, picks the Jewish guy up, helps him to safety, pays for his night in a hotel and offers the innkeeper more money to take care of the Jewish guy until he is fit to return home. Total TAFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think about this for a moment…
What people are you mostly Taffy with?
What people are you mostly Teflon with?
Have you ever given much thought as to why which is which?
What would happen if we all became Taffy with everyone we met?
What would happen if we all became Taffy with those who met us?
I just wonder…
All I know is God became incarnate in the person of Jesus to be totally TAFFY with humanity.
I am stuck on Jesus!
Jesus is stuck on me!
Looks like we are stuck with each other!
Sticky Taffy is pretty cool!
So is Jesus!
Laugh often and Fear not!

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