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There are two tennis courts that sit next to one another in our neighborhood.
Joshua and I were on one court when a lovely young couple of lovebirds settled onto the adjoining court.
They weren’t classical tennis players.
They were just two people out to hit a couple of tennis balls back and forth to one another.
She was young and vivacious with long bouncy brown hair and dark features that complemented her bright white smile. Her tightly wrapped skirt revealed a pair of long legs adorned with brightly colored shoes that were probably never meant to play tennis in.
He was young as well with a four day growth of a beard that made him look scruffy. His deep red T-Shirt, brown baggy shorts and classic topsider shoes revealed a fashion sense that shouted, “I’m not a professional tennis player” as well.
They were out to have fun and I am the type of tennis fanatic that loves it when anyone is out on the tennis court hitting balls.
Another accessory that this young man had was a pair of shiny red “Beats” headphones that he insisted on wearing while he and his girl were playing. The “Beats” were attached by a long red cord that was attached to his phone.
While Joshua and I played a few games of tennis, I couldn’t help but notice the young woman standing on the baseline with her left hand on her left hip and her right hand with racquet firmly held in her right hand dangling aimlessly by her long right leg.
A quick look to my left revealed the young man texting away…
This happened consistently over a one half hour period.
My heart went out to this young lady as she stood there patiently growing more impatient with each passing text. To further complicate matters she had to raise her voice in order for him to be able to hear him over his well placed “Beats” headphones.
The silent and yet vocal urgent plea that filled the air over and over again shouted one thing and one only…PICK ME!!!!
Please PICK ME over who you are texting!
PICK ME over whatever song you are listening to instead of hearing my unique God given voice.
PICK ME to pay attention to…
PICK ME because I am not sure how much longer I can stand here with my racquet in hand and stay out here making a fool of myself because I really want to believe that you want to be with me…
PICK ME because when you text and listen to music over listening to me I feel utterly and totally worthless…
PICK ME please!!
PICK ME please???
Starting Friday, Black Friday there will be hundreds of million items on shelves and on internet pages that will be shouting, “PICK ME! PICK ME!!!”
You and I will literally have some difficult choices to make over the next 35 days or so…
The work party will say PICK ME…
The incentive to make some extra money will say PICK ME…
The temptation to spend time with friends instead of with family will shout PICK ME…
That gluttonous desire of “want” over “need” will turn up the volume this holiday season proclaiming, PICK ME…
Your spouse, your children, your parents, your in-laws, your brothers and sisters will legitimately and confidently speak these words – PICK ME…
The items on the shelves of the stores be they in person or on the internet will seductively whisper PICK ME…
That lonely voice that wants you to put on your “Beats” and disassociate yourself from everything will patiently and persistently echo these words – PICK ME…
As you scan the shelves of all of the above items pay attention to the one item in the middle…
He’s little…
He’s awfully innocent looking…
His deep eyes will draw you in…
He’s wrapped in swaddling cloths…
His voice coos with a sense of compassion that strikes a deep chord within your very soul as he lovingly says PICK ME…
His name is Jesus and I can guarantee that he is worth picking this holiday season!
As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth,
and he said to him, “Follow me. (PICK ME)” And he rose and followed him. (Matthew 9. 9)
Laugh often and Fear not!