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Lent Day 37 - Miracle 7

“Lent Day 37 – Miracle #7” finds us at the tomb of Lazarus.

The first miracle of Jesus was performed at a wedding, turning water into 960 bottles of wine!

The last miracle of Jesus was performed at a funeral with friend Lazarus already dead four days, literally entombed! Jesus shouts, “Lazarus, Come out!”

And Lazarus does…

But there’s a problem.

Lazarus is still covered and bound with “grave clothes”, which constrict his movements.

Listen to Jesus, “Unbind him and let him go.” (John 11: 44)

You may be alive, but are you still bound with “grave clothes”?

What “grave clothes” need to be unbound and discarded so that you may be “let go” and live the abundant life Jesus offers?

Grace and peace,
Laugh often and Fear not!

Lent Day 37 – Miracle #7

Today’s Video