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Lent Day 25 Miracle #5 – Walking on Water explores the fifth miracle or “sign” Jesus performs.

Immediately following Miracle #4 (Feeding of the 5,000) the disciples get into a boat to cross over the Sea of Galilee.

Winds begin to buffet up against their small water craft making it hard to get across the sea.

Three and half miles from shore Jesus appears while walking on the water.

The disciples are terrified and Jesus offers the same words to us as we battle our own storms as He did to the disciples, “It is I. Do not be afraid.”

Once invited into the boat, the storm ceases.

May we invite Jesus into our boats of life.

Jesus will do one of two things: Calm the Storm or Calm the Child!

Either way, life is better with Jesus in our boat!

Grace and peace,
Laugh often and Fear not!


Lent Day 25 Miracle #5 – Walking on Water

Today’s Lenten Video 

Lent Day 24 – Romans 8 (Must Watch!)

Lent Day 23 – Psalm 1