Eight Days of Laughter to Better Health and Life through the gift of LAUGHTER!
For the next seven days we will show a benefit to adding daily doses of laughter into your life.
Be it at home, play, or in the midst of a serious workload at the office, LAUGHTER allows the brain to think better, remember more and make better decisions!
Take notice of how you feel after a good laugh….
Your muscles feel less tense…
You’re more relaxed overall, maybe even a bit buoyant…
That’s the natural wonder of laughter at work!
Reason #2 to Laugh…
Blood vessels more easily expand and contract after laughing.
Laughter is so important to a healthy lifestyle!
With great circulation comes a better body!
You might wonder, “Why is circulation so important?”
Check out these benefits from “Good” circulation and the effects of “Poor” circulation from the Northern Illinois Vein Clinic:
The Benefits of Good Blood Circulation
- You’ll maintain healthy blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, allowing your lungs, heart and muscles to function properly and efficiently.
- You’ll fight off and avoid potential diseases and sicknesses. With good circulation, the white blood cells in your immune system will be transported around the body as needed.
- You’ll keep your organs in its best working order. Efficient circulation helps remove waste from the body created by different organs.
The Risks of Poor Blood Circulation
- You may suffer from lack of energy, excessive tiredness and an inability to concentrate.
- The limited flow of oxygen to the brain may lead to memory glitches.
- For women, one of the most terrifying or embarrassing effects of poor blood circulation is alopecia; or hair loss.
- For men, one of the most terrifying or embarrassing effects of poor blood circulation is erectile dysfunction.
- Because blood circulates white blood cells for healing and platelets for clotting, cuts and sores may take longer to heal, increasing the likelihood of infection.
- In the worst cases, poor circulation may require amputation of the affected limb.
Laugh often and feel the circulation improving your overall health and lifestyle.
Don’t laugh often?
Poor circulation leads to all your limbs being amputated and then you die!
Moral of the blog post?
Laugh often!!
Grace and peace,
Laugh often and Fear not!