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In the movie “Robin Hood” starring Russell Crowe there is an incredible life altering, life changing moment.
Robin Hood is brought to a stone statue of some sort by his mentor. Somehow, some way in the base of this statue is the imprint of the right hand of Robin Hood’s late heroic father. Struggling to discover who he is, claim his own self identity and determine if he is the one to lead the troops to freedom, Robin Hood is asked to place his hand on the imprint.
It fits perfectly!
The mentor looks Robin Hood in the eye and poses this immortal question:
“Are you ready to be who you are?”
I saw God at work today in one of the most explicit and powerful displays of affirmation I have seen in many a years.
Today, October 1st, I posted on my Facebook page that after much prayer I would be returning to full time ministry as a Pastor of a church. The church that I will serve has yet to be determined. But I will say this, “I am in hot pursuit!”
On Monday I read my bible verse for the week, Psalm 51. 12:
“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”
I wondered within my soul how God would answer my plea of restoring to my soul, the joy of His salvation
Today, the joy of my salvation was restored so completely that my cup runneth over to the point that the libation of God’s call to serve Him and His church ran through my fingers and down my forearms dripping from my elbows on to the holy ground below me.
Today, I stand and kneel in awe of God’s awesome power through my friends on Facebook.
The pitcher was full but it was you who tilted the pitcher and watched God’s amazing grace pour all over me like an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
As of this writing 300 of my Facebook friends “Liked” my post and 84 of them made some of the most inspirational, loving and encouraging comments.
I am overwhelmed by this tsunami of affirmation. I am in over my head with gratitude for this outpouring!
The Apostle Paul’s encouraging words to Timothy hit me like a tidal wave today:
Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy
when the council of elders laid their hands on you. (1 Timothy 4. 14)

On August 28, 1988, the elders, the pastors and the Holy Spirit laid their hands on me and prayed for me as I began my ministry in Augusta, Georgia at the Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church.
I have neglected the gift for two and a half years.
No more…
The voice of Robin Hood’s mentor echoes through my mind and heart, “Are you ready to be who you are?”
I’m ready!!

How about you?
Are you ready to be who you are?
Laugh often and Fear not!